
Senin, 06 Oktober 2014

Hancurnya Nilai Tukar Rupiah Terhadap Dollar Amerika

Hancurnya Nilai Tukar Rupiah Terhadap Dollar Amerika
November 1949, 1 US$ = Rp 3,8. Desember 1958 atau sekitar 9 tahun kemudian nilai rupiah turun jadi Rp 90. November 1965 bahkan mencapai Rp 4.995. Namun kemudian dilakukan Sanering di mana nilai Rp 1000 dipotong jadi Rp 1. Rakyat miskin seketika. Rupiah pun terkesan "menguat" jadi Rp 0,25 per 1 USD.
Namun lagi-lagi nilai rupiah terus menurun. Misalnya Desember 1995 nilai rupiah = Rp 2.248/US$, tahun 2011 jadi Rp 12.250.

Bagaimana dengan nilai tukar negara-negara lain? Rata2 stabil kecuali Ringgit Malaysia yang agak turun. Tapi turunnya Ringgit Malaysia dari tahun 1995 hingga tahun 2011 terhadap dollar Amerika tidak separah Indonesia. Nilai Ringgit Malaysia hanya turun dari RM 2,54/USD jadi RM 3,17/USD.Turun kurang dari 25%.

Ringgit Malaysia stabil karena dipatok terhadap dollar hingga Juli 2005. Selain itu Ringgit tidak diperjual-belikan di luar Malaysia sejak tahun 1998. Jika mau beli Ringgit, harus ke Malaysia.

Sementara Rupiah Indonesia ini jadi sasaran empuk para spekulan valas karena bebas diperjual-belikan di mana saja. Apalagi PPN untuk Valas amat rendah. Hanya 10% dari nilai komisi. Jadi jika komisi valas cuma 1% dari nilai transaksi, PPN Valas yang biasa disebut Levy ini hanya 0,1% dari nilai transaksi.

Rendahnya produktivitas Indonesia dan dikuasainya kekayaan Indonesia dan perekonomian serta Bank2 Nasional Indonesia oleh asing juga menyebabkan nilai rupiah jadi amat lemah. Apalagi Rupiah ini tidak dijamin dengan emas atau pun perak. Berbagai kenaikan harga barang seperti BBM, Listrik, Gas, dsb yang dipelopori pemerintah makin meningkatkan inflasi / menghancurkan nilai rupiah.

Hancurnya nilai rupiah juga mengakibatkan ekonomi rakyat Indonesia jadi kian loyo.

On 21 July 2005, Bank Negara announced the end of the peg to the US dollar immediately after China's announcement of the end of the renminbi peg to the US dollar. According to Bank Negara, Malaysia allows the ringgit to operate in a managed float against several major currencies. This has resulted in the value of the ringgit rising closer to its perceived market value, although Bank Negara has intervened in financial markets to maintain stability in the trading level of the ringgit. This task is made easier by the fact that the ringgit has remained non-tradable[14] outside of Malaysia since 1998, which coincided with its pegging to the US dollar, a restriction that was not removed when it was de-pegged in July 2005.
Following the end of the currency peg, the ringgit appreciated to as high as 3.16 to the US dollar in April 2008. The ringgit had also enjoyed a period of appreciation against the Hong Kong dollar (HKD) (from 0.49 to 0.44 to the MYR)[15] and the renminbi (CNY) (0.46 to 0.45 to the MYR)[16] as recently as May 2008.
Political uncertainty following the country's 2008 general election and the 2008 Permatang Pauh by-election, falling oil prices, and the lack of intervention by Bank Negara to increase already low interest rates (which remained at 3.5% since April 2006)[17] led to a slight fall of the ringgit's value against the US dollar between May and July 2008, followed by a sharper drop between August and September of the same year. As a result, the US dollar appreciated significantly to close at 3.43 to the MYR as of 4 September 2008,[18] while other major currencies, including the renminbi and Hong Kong dollar, follow suit. The drop brings the ringgit to its weakest since 24 September 2007, and ranks it as the second worst performing Southeast Asian currency between June 2008 and September 2008.[17] As of 5 August 2012, Malaysia Ringgit stands at USD 1 = MYR 3.1730.

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